Mushroom Grow Kits - Monthly Subscription

$35.00 every month

We have many mushroom kits available for sale. The kits will be made to order, so there is a two-three week waiting time, before we can ship them out. Then there is another few days to get it in the mail. However, these are large kits at a cheap price. Normally, you pay $20 plus dollars for 2 lb kit. Our kits are 5 lbs and should produce somewhere between 1 and 4 lbs of mushrooms over multiple flushes.

The kits will be delivered fully colonized. All you have to do is let the mushrooms grow.

Instructions included with each kit.

Please contact us with any questions.

Mushroom Kits:

We have many mushroom kits available for sale. The kits will be made to order, so there is a two-three week waiting time, before we can ship them out. Then there is another few days to get it in the mail. However, these are large kits at a cheap price. Normally, you pay $20 plus dollars for 2 lb kit. Our kits are 5 lbs and should produce somewhere between 1 and 4 lbs of mushrooms over multiple flushes.

The kits will be delivered fully colonized. All you have to do is let the mushrooms grow.

Instructions included with each kit.

Please contact us with any questions.

We have many mushroom kits available for sale. The kits will be made to order, so there is a two-three week waiting time, before we can ship them out. Then there is another few days to get it in the mail. However, these are large kits at a cheap price. Normally, you pay $20 plus dollars for 2 lb kit. Our kits are 5 lbs and should produce somewhere between 1 and 4 lbs of mushrooms over multiple flushes.

The kits will be delivered fully colonized. All you have to do is let the mushrooms grow.

Instructions included with each kit.

Please contact us with any questions.


If I am a beginner, how should I start growing mushrooms indoors?

For those interested in growing mushrooms as a hobby, the easiest mushrooms to grow indoors are the oyster mushrooms. These mushrooms require little maintenance except for providing the right environment. And within 2-3 weeks, you will have fresh mushrooms to eat. Once you acquire the technique of growing one species of mushrooms, you can then progress to growing other types of mushrooms.

How does one grow mushrooms indoors?

There are two basic methods of growing mushrooms; 1) you can grow them from scratch which requires more labor and time, and has a learning curve, or 2) you can buy a kit that comes with the substrate that is already inoculated. All you do is place the kit in a damp, cool and dark place. For beginners, the kit is the best and most successful way to grow mushrooms.

What do the kits contain?

In general, mushrooms need a substrate to grow on. For example, plants need soil but mushrooms need a base from which they will derive nutrition. There are many types of substrates and it all depends on the type of mushrooms. Oyster mushrooms thrive on saw wood, straw, coconut husk, etc. However, the substrate needs to be sterilized first so that no bacteria or other fungi is remaining. Just like plants grow from seeds, mushrooms grow from spawn; which is available from stores. However, if you buy a kit, the substrate is already sterilized and inoculated with spawn. Once you set the kit in the right place at the appropriate temperature, the mushrooms will start to grow.

Where can one buy the kit to grow mushrooms?

Ready-made kits are available from our store. These kits are the most reliable way of growing oyster mushrooms. Once you get the kit, holes should be created at the side of the bag from which the mushroom will grow. If you make many small holes, the eventual fruit will be small and there is a risk of drying up the fungi, but if you make the holes big, the fruit will be big but fewer in number. To prevent the fungi from drying, you will need to mist it with water regularly. Also, ensure that the surrounding area has free-flowing air. Try and maintain the humidity around 90%.

Do I have to use the kit right away?

In general, once you order and receive the kit, you should use it right away. If for any reason you are not able to use the kit, place it in a refrigerator; the cool temperature will prevent or delay the growth of the fungi. When you are ready to grow the mushrooms, just take the kit out of the refrigerator and allow it to warm up to room temperature. After several days, follow the instructions that come with the kit

What is a humidity tent?

One of the problems with growing mushrooms is that of dryness. If the environment is dry, the fungi will not thrive. Thus, to retain moisture in the air, it is recommended that you make a humidity tent and place it over the kit. You can buy these humidity tents or you can make your own at home. All you need is plastic covering with holes and you place it over the kit. Make sure that there is ample room between the kit and the tent. Spray the side of the tent regularly and this will keep the environment humid.

How much mushroom can I obtain with a kit?

There are kits of different sizes. In general, a kit that weighs 5 pounds will produce about 1- 4 pounds of mushrooms in a few flushes. The amount of mushroom usually depends on the type of mushroom you are growing and the growing conditions.

 How many cycles of growth does each kit have?

During the first cycle, the growth is the largest and over the next few weeks, the subsequent fruit will be smaller. This is because the fungi have used up all of the nutrients in the kit.

Can mold grow over the kit?

Unfortunately, if the sterile conditions are broken, then other fungi may grow. Thus, it is important you buy a kit from a reliable vendor. Also, be gentle with the kit and avoid rough handling of the mushrooms. Use clean water to provide humidity. And wash your hands before you touch the kit. The good thing is that most vendors will replace the kit if there is moldy growth.

When do I see the growth of oyster mushrooms?

In about 7-10 days or sooner, you will start to see tiny white marks (pinning) and within the next few days, the mushroom will be visible. The mature mushroom will take a few more days and you will recognize it from its cap and stem.

How does one harvest oyster mushroom?

It is important to gently handle the mushroom when harvesting. Never pull them. Take a sharp knife and cut the stem. Because mushrooms do not have a long shelf life, refrigerate them as soon as they are cut and they will last a few weeks.

What do I do with my spent kit?

Once the kit has produced the mushrooms and no more growth is visible, the kit can be discarded. Rather than throwing it out in the garage, place it in the soil in your garden or compost. The kit will continue to provide nutrients to other forms of life.

Final point

To enjoy growing mushrooms as a hobby, first read about the topic, watch videos and talk to people who have grown mushrooms at home. Speak to the vendor who will give you important tips on how to enjoy this hobby at home and also derive health benefits. Always start small and learn the basic points. Once you have grown one type of mushroom, you can then venture with the growth of other species of mushrooms.


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